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Digestible Digital Marketing Bytes

Are You Lying to Yourself?

Hi Reader,

You probably aren't even conscious that you're doing it!

Do you ever tell yourself you should be further ahead in your business than you are?

Do you tell yourself you aren't doing enough?

Most of the time we are saying this to ourselves based on what others are doing, and the success they are having. These are lies.

It's like when a biz bestie tells you they have 15,000 connections and you have 500. You might immediately think, "I am doing something wrong" or "I will never get there." Again, lies.

How about we compare ourselves to our past selves and not others?

For example, I wish I had more clients. I could beat myself up because I am not where I want to be or I could look at the same period a year ago. Compared to last year I already have more clients than I did in ALL of last year!

You can do this with your website data too. In Google Search Console you can compare your data from different periods. When you look at month-to-month data the growth may seem slow. But if you take a period, say the last 3 months, and compare it to those same months the previous year you will see just how far you have come.

Google Search Console is one of my favorite tools for tracking website data. I talk about it often. Some of you may have downloaded my resource "Google Search Console for Non-Techies" from Allison's 40th Birthday Bash Bundle". If you haven't snagged it you should. There are also over 90 other resources in the bundle ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐ŸŽ‚

Here is a bonus: I made this 4 minute video that walks you through Google Search Console and what metrics to look at to see how your website is doing in search.

You know what to do - go compare yourself to your last year's self, or even last month's self, it will make you feel good to see your progress!

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Digestible Digital Marketing Bytes

Actionable tips to increase your reach, revenue and relationships and grow your business.

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